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Our Services

Our bodies are beautifully and wonderfully made, with intricate design and intention to flourish. Rather than a form of contraception, fertility awareness methods allow a woman the ability to better understand her body, fluctuation of hormones, and natural processes. This information can assist any woman in learning about and advocating for her own health, as well as in aiding couples for planning their families. The Creighton Model System is used to teach women to track physiological biomarkers that are produced with the rise and fall of hormones, indicating ovulation and other health patterns.

New Growth

Introductory Session

Most often offered in a group setting, either virtually or in person. For $50, this time gives a glimpse of anatomy and physiology, how to read your biomarkers using the Creighton method, and all that is needed to begin right away!

Watering Plants

Follow Up Sessions

The true learning of one's cycle comes through Follow Up Sessions. Every woman is uniquely made, therefore every woman's cycle is unique. Sessions begin every 2-3 weeks, then spread out once confidence is gained, with a total of 8 follow ups over one year's time.


Long Term

Once the Creighton Model System is learned, women can feel confident in making informed decisions in their fertility journey for the long run. As seasons change, long term follow ups are always available.

Sign up for an Introductory Session
to get started!


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